Rob Hornstrat – 101 Billionaires
»101 Billionaires is the third self-published book by Dutch photographer Rob Hornstra. I admire his Do-It-Yourself mentality, publishing another ambitious and beautifully produced book independently. Hornstra travelled to Russia, not to document the glamorous lives of its current 101 billionaires, but the depressing poverty and drab living conditions of the majority of Russians, living in places called “Asbest” or the former Stalinist model village “Cement City”. In spite of all this hopelessness, Hornstra’s images are not without humor, and they convey a genuine interest in the stories of the people he portrays. As in the best photobooks, this publication is the result of a valuable collaboration between photographer, writer and designer. The 16 foldouts are cleverly used to include the elaborate captions and interviews that provide essential information on the photos, without disrupting the layout and rhythm of the images, which are all printed full page or as double page spreads.«
– Tanja Wallroth –